Thursday 4 November 2010

Had a very enjoyable quilt day with our house group, lovely lunch as usual, thanks Margaret. The photo shows myself, Margaret Williams, Margaret Hill and Helen Spence, photo taken by Kathy Lee, unfortunately Kathy the one I took cut all heads off so next meeting your photo is priority.
Should have said that the mistakes in the text I did yesterday were deliberate to make Ann feel better!!!

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Looking forward to this coming Saturday, coachload of 40 from Hamtune going to Chilford, my favourite quilt show and lovely lovely food. Am going with a list for loads of fabric I need for my next quilt so will come back heavily loaed except for my purse. Photos to follow.

I have at last finished my granddaughter Gaby's heirloom quilt and had it on show at Hamtune

Hamtune Quilters Autumn Fayre last Saturday was a superb day and we raised a lot of money for Motor Neurone Disease, our charity for this year. Members all worked very hard and the quilt raffle was a great success, Ann Harris was so keen she couldn't get her spelling right ( she'll kill me) but we all enjoyed it

back at last

Been so long since I posted on my blog it has just taken me half an hour to remember how to do it, nearl had to send an e.mail off to teacher!!!!! Am at last up and running with my new machine, for a while trying to get it sorted seemed to have taken over my life but all is sorted now. While I am typing this I am trying to remember how to post photos, have no idea how this will turn out but here goes. I was sewing some little purses for Hamtune Autumn Fayre and my Granddaughter Gaby came over and she made on and did very well